"Full Body" LEG'PLOSION!

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"Full Body" LEG'PLOSION!


LEG'PLOSION! is a 35 day transformational squatting program created by Roman A. Roberts, a long time personal trainer and massage therapist. Roman unfortunately, was involved in several serious accidents and due to injuries was deteriorating rapidly. Not wanting to fall victim to pills and doctor visits, knowing the power of good nutrition Roman developed a nutritional program for himself that he eventually turned into The Roman 180 Plan that has now helped many lose over 150 pounds. Determined to stay in shape and physically active, Roman embarked on a 6-month everyday squatting journey that proved to be transformational beyond what he could have ever expected. Out of what Roman considered to be the most transformational 35 days, he created what is now today's Full Body LEG'PLOSION!
Andrea Jutte, aka "THAT" 180 Girl! happens to be one of those who took on the Roman 180 Challenge, losing 150 pounds in a year and a half. Determined to achieve more with Roman Roberts after witnessing his transformation, Andrea began box squatting an olympic squat bar daily as part of her home exercise routine. Due to the transformative effects from Roman Robert's first LEG'PLOSION! she was quick to agree to the LEG'PLOSION 35 day challenge and the results were shocking.

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